Help generator settings

Defines the options available when creating program help. The following options are common to both CHM and HTML modes.

Language. This allows you to create a help file in the selected languages (in the Location node) or in all languages of the knowledge base.

Object parameters. This allows you to create a help file for all objects or only for those that have been changed since the last time you created a help file.

Add a description as a page title. It contains a description of the object as the title of the HTML page created for it.

Add CSS. The name of the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file, which is useful for changing the format of the created help file. A link to this file is included on every HTML page you create.

Add a variable reference. In the HTML of an object, it contains a link to the HTML help page of each variable in this object (if help sections are created for this variable).

Add links to attributes/domains. In the HTML of an object, it contains a link to the HTML help page of the attributes and domains referenced by this object (if help topics have been created for these attributes and domains).

Include links to objects. For an HTML object, it contains a link to the HTML help page of other objects it refers to (if these objects have help sections).

CHM only

CHM compiler path. This field is disabled when building for the web; it must be enabled to create a CHM file; otherwise, you won’t be able to move forward in the program.

Enable full-text search. In addition to the table of contents and index, it makes it possible to search the CHM by generating a text search option for all the files that make up the help.

Special Html home page. The page that is displayed when you open a CHM file. A default page is provided, but it can be customized by assigning a custom page name to this property.

Custom content path. As with the default page, a content file is also created. The content file defines a tree structure that allows you to organize the items in the help. GeneXus does not have a way to specify how the help items are grouped. Thus, a root tree is generated by default and all help topics are placed under this root. The only inline elements are variables with help. In this case, these elements appear to be embedded by the object where they are defined. This content file can be edited using the HTML HELP Workshop, and a more organized and personalized tree will result. If this file is saved under a different name, it can be used in this parameter instead of creating the default file.

Custom index path. This is like the content file, but for the index definition file. In the case of an index file, you can use HTML HELP Workshop to sort the items in alphabetical order.